
Avoid The Holiday Weight Gain


Maintaining your healthy habits is a challenge when it comes to the holidays. Food revolves over the holiday season, we socialize through it. There are temptations all around and all you are going to want to do is stay inside from the cool weather. To motivate yourself from preventing these pounds is starting the new year off with a bang. You want to come into the new year without gaining weight.


Keep Track Of Your Weight

Before the holidays begin weigh yourself to get a feel for what you want to maintain. Allow yourself some leeway and set a goal. This will help you decide whether to eat an extra slice of pumpkin pie or not and set your boundaries.

 Stick To The Gym

If you are already going to the gym make sure to maintain your schedule. If not you should consider going to the gym, this will help lose any extra weight you may have gained.  Whether you go to the gym to exercise, stay at home, or go to the park you should make sure not to miss out on any of these days. Most people gain weight because they skip their regular exercise activities. Find the strength to exercise after a day full of eating.

 Balance Yourself

Think about having less deserts on the dinner table this year. Choose the vegetables, fruit, and other less fattening foods. People gain weight after the holidays because they do not limit themselves. They eat what they want, however much they, and want when they want it. To prevent the extra pounds you have to sacrifice the pies, cookies, and cakes. Counting your calories can allow you to know when you’ve had enough. Knowing how much you can it will allow you to maintain your weight.

 Participate In Activities With Friends and Family

Take your friends or family members out to the ice skating rink. Being out and about will keep you away from the food. Shopping at the mall will have you walking around and being active. There are so many activities to do such as sledding, caroling, and playing games. Make sure to fill your schedule with activities that do not involve sitting at home.

Let's be friends
