
Year in Review

Want to know how to review your year?

Did you stick to those New Year resolutions? Achieve any big goals? Little goals? Did you accomplish any ‘bucket-list’ items? Live out any life-long dreams? How about, did you ever fail? Make any big mistakes? More importantly, did you learn a valuable lesson from those mistakes?

With 2017 coming to an end, and 2018 nearing upon us, reviewing the prior year can not only be beneficial but be deemed necessary to establish a confident and successful start to the new year. Reviewing the previous year allows you to recognize what you have accomplished – helping you realize your personal ambitions and setting your goals for the year to come.

Accomplishments –
Make lists of what you have accomplished in the year. Whether it is big, life changing accomplishments, or small completed goals, both severely attribute to your life. Visually seeing your accomplishments awards you the satisfaction of feeling productive and motivated for the upcoming year, while allowing you to realize what you want to further accomplish.

Recognize Dramatic Events –
Whether, they may be positive or negative, recognizing the substantial events that have happened in the past year permits you to analyze the benefits and disadvantages of the circumstances, while also evaluating why the event happened and how to either encourage it in the future or attempt to prevent it from repeating.

People –
Write down everyone in your life that has made an impact in some way. Whether it’s your mom because she does your laundry, your best friend because she listens to all your boy problems, or the kid who helps you in your math class, the people who make an impact and continue to do so throughout the year deserve recognition. Writing down people also includes the people who have made a negative impact in your life. Visibly, acknowledging and distinguishing the difference between the negative and positive impacts of people will encourage a healthy social lifestyle in hopes of surrounding yourself will positively impactful people.

Self Reflection –
Analyzing yourself and the personal qualities and characteristics that you inhibit gives you an idea of how you want to improve yourself. Critiquing the habits you occupy can help you realize how to achieve more, tough, satisfying goals in the upcoming year.

How do you recap your year?

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